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My Yorkie had teeth clean and breath still stinks!

19 13:43:31

Hi Becky
My Yorkie is 12 years old and very healthy (according to last vet visit). His teeth were cleaned in May/June 2006. His breath was sweet for a couple of months and now it's back to YUCK! He's got a good balanced diet. If the vet is telling me that he is healthy, do you think there's a problem? Or is it normal for Yorkies (as I sometimes read) and I just have to put up with it for *love*?

Hi Tamsin,
Sometimes when a dog's anal glands get impacted or infected they will bite and/or lick at themselves which can cause really foul breath.  Otherwise, I'm not sure what it could be. If his teeth have been cleaned, then that shouldn't be the problem.  If you see him scooting his beehind on the floor, or biting at his bottom, then have the Vet check out his anal glands. This is a very common problem in small breed dogs.

God Bless,