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Teacup Pugs and harm to the Pug Breed

19 14:00:12

I recently heard about cross breeding Chiuhauas with Pugs to create a Teacup Pug. I wonder why anyone would want to do this and if it is harmful to the Pug breed since Pugs are normally muscular and stout.

Can you give me any definitive and textual evidence as to whether it is harmful to the breed to do this to Pugs?

Hi Kim, It would be harmful to the breed since they have such problems giving birth (a lot of them need c-sections as it is), and to make them smaller would just make more complications.  Why anyone would would make any of these so called "designer dogs" which pretty much are just mixed breed dogs, that will end up in shelters due to complications from mixing breeds, is beyond me.  All breeds took years to develop, dogs just weren't thrown together for cuteness.  The sad part is that the complications won't arise until the puppies are at least a year or so of age, and then everyone is attached to them and has to go through all the problems (medical & behavioral).  Hope this helps,
