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Dog aggression

19 9:17:43


I have a 4 year old Shih Tzu which I have had since 8 weeks old. He was taken to puppy school and does all the usual commands, sit, lay down, stay ect. He is however extremely aggresive towards me or anyone for that matter. He can be a lovely boy, very playful but if a visitor were to stroke him in the way he doesnt like he will give a slight warning sometimes but mainly will just bite 3 or 4 times at least!. He also bites me and my husband but has started to bite with no warning at all! he could be next to me on the sofa, I may have stroked him, but for example last night I wasnt even touching him my arm was just down on the sofa next to him and the next minute he whipped round and went crazy biting continuesly where ever he could. This time he caught me on the back of my arm piercing the skin. He also will bite quite a few times one after the other very quickly! If you tell him off he never backs down and always gives as good as he gets. You could also be laid on the sofa with your feet up and him laying next to your feet, if you move at all even without touching him, without any warning he will just go for you! I have read many articles saying I should get in control straight away, but I can assure you there is no way on earth anyone could get anywhere near him in that state without coming out worse off! The only way we have found we can do anything is by pinning him down with 2 cusions, and thats not without a fight. It is almost like a mist comes over his eyes and something flicks in his brain. 2 minutes later he is back to his lovely self. I have just found out I am pregnany and really need some help! Thanks

If you can, have a scan on his brain to see if he has a tumor.  I have heard of dogs acting like yours and they were very ill.  If he is ok then you must do the following.
This dog needs to go to an aggression trainer.  Also, I am sorry to tell you that this dog, after training, should be given to another family.  He will definitely not be trustworthy with an infant or young child.  He could scar your child's face for life.  Dogs are at the correct height to bite the face of a child, and they usually do.  If you look it up online, you will see that young children who are bitten are usually bitten on the face.
The trainer will tell you if he has been successful, but remember, your dog is the alpha  in your house and when he returns, he will go back to that position since he has been in that way since a pup.  I am sorry to give you this news, but from what you have described, he is a dangerous animal.
If you want a nice dog for your family try a Bichon, or Cavelier spaniel.  