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house breaking for pugs

19 14:23:39

I need help with my pug puppy. She is about 3.5 months old and she is still having accidents on the floor at least once a day. She has been getting better but I was looking for a few tips or different house breaking methods. I amz crate traning her now. She goes in there for her naps and whenever she get too hyper but other than that she is always outside playing. When she is in the house, she is confined to the kitchen and the family room only. She's not allowed up stairs unless someone is with her. I was thinking of putting her in the crate constantly except when she has to go out but will that do anything? Like all pugs, she knows its wornge to potty on the floor but she does it anyway. I do have another dog so she is learning alot of things from him except pottying outside. Do you have any tips for me? Thank you for you time.


It is common to have accidents at 3 months.  Part of it has to do with a lack of attention.  You must be alert to the first sign she needs to go out.  You may even need to take her out when she hasn't been out for a while.  Make sure she walks around enough to stimulate her body enough to relieve herself.  Praise her when she goes outside.  Use the crate in moderation.  Maybe tuck her in for a short time when you need to concentrate on something else.  You might also use a short tether by your computer.  That keeps her near you, and you can notice her becoming restless and take her out.  Going out with her and praising her is very important.  Also praise her when she goes to the door or otherwise lets you know she wants out.