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Bringing a Bull Terrier puppy home with a 3 yr old cat.

19 10:42:14

Hi, my family has recently adopted a 3 yr old cat and we are about to have a bull terrier puppy come home to live with us. The cat has all of her claws and does not seem to like other animals. Our neighbors dogs come to the door for treats and she bats at the door.
My question is, what is the best way to introduce the two when we bring our puppy home?

Thank you,


SLOWLY!  Let the puppy live in the bathroom for a couple of days, only take it out to toilet, or if the cat is in another room.  That way, they can smell each other.  Then open the door, but put up a baby gate, so the animals can now see each other, but unless the cat decides to jump in, can't touch.  They should slowly get used to each other.  When they're on opposite sides of the door or baby gate, you can have someone with each petting them (if the cat actually likes to be petted), but do NOT hold either one (they'll feel trapped).  After a few days of the baby gate, if there's no problems, let the puppy out, maybe in your lap, but don't restrain it, and let the cat explore.  What it may boil down to, is the cat smacks the dog once, he learns to leave the cat alone and they live as harmoniously as possible.  or, they could end up being the best of buds... you just never know with animals.