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Hair growth stimulation

19 9:13:21

Hairless Pom
Hairless Pom  
A few years back I cut my Pomeranian's hair very short because she was full of mats and tangles.  Since then she looks like a mangy little mutt!

The vet had me try melatonin for a while but that didn't help at all.  Her undercoat has come back some but she has bald areas near her tail and the outer coat has never grown back.

Any suggestions on stimulating hair growth in my baby?


Yes, but it is not a short fix, but a long term fix.

fish oil   Omega 3 fatty acids, one pill over her food / or salmon daily a quarter of a can.

pet tabs  vitamin and MINERAL supplement.  zinc is a large contributor to hair growth and minerals restore hair health in dogs.  

Brush her frequently as well to stimulate blood circulation to hair.

the fish oil is the quickest worker of these suggestions.

The minerals take a minimum of 4 to 6  months to work because they have to get into the system and replenish shortages before they can start to regrow hair.

brushing will help, but that is not noticeable until hair starts to regrow.