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Springer Spaniel Ticking

19 9:39:55

Hi! I have a field english springer spaniel puppy and I was wondering if you knew when all of his "ticking" or freckles would come in. It has already started but I didn't know if he was going to continue getting more for a while. He is about eleven weeks now. So if you could let me know I would appreciate it.


Hi Ali,

At eleven weeks old, your puppy is still a baby, and still has his baby coat.

Puppy coats are usually much lighter, and is different texture than what the adult coat will eventually be. A puppy usually starts to grow it's adult coat at around 6 months of age.  Get your puppy used to being brushed as the shedding will get worse as he full loses his puppy coat. His adult coat should pretty much be grown in by the time he's 8-10 months old.

As far as how much ticking your puppy may one day have, that's a matter of genetics. If bought your dog from a breeder, and was able to see your puppy's parents you'd have a good idea of what to expect your puppy's coat to be. If not, you'll have to wait and see how this all turns out.

Best of luck,
