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eye disorder?? on a black lab/bulldog mix

19 13:35:20

My female has no eye lashes and the skin around her eyes has turned pink, she also has a slight discharge like she has a cold but none of the other signs of a cold.  Could she be having and allergic reaction to her bedding, which is hay; and if it's more serios cam my other dogs catch what she might have.  I am unable to afford a vet right this instant to due a divorce but i want her to have the best care possible until I can get her to the vet.  Any help you could give would be greatlly appreciated because she is my baby girls best friend.

Hi Stepheny :-)

It is possible this could be a allergic reaction, similar to human allergies to the bedding which is hay. Hay can cause allergic reactions in Dogs. I recommend you change the bedding to material or even some spare blankets you have and pillows/cushions so your Dog will be comfortable and nice and warm in her bed.

This could also be a eye infection. The discharge you mentioned does sound like its most likely a eye infection and this will need to be treated by a Vet as soon as possible before any interal eye damage or sight damage occurs.

Meanwhile, bathe her eye 4-5 times a day with a wet, cold teabag or tissue paper made moist by water. Clear her eye out if possible and this will wash out any discharge or debris which could be inside her eye.

Take care and all the best and please leave me a comment.

Trisha x