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Dog fur is flaking off, scabbing, itching like crazy

19 9:33:37


zack's tummy
We have a four-year-old cockapoo (cocker spaniel/poodle mix) named Zack. He has recently been licking his groin and the insides or his legs even more than usual, and a few weeks ago, while I was scratching his tummy, I found quite a few lumps and bumps along his belly, in front of his penis, and along the insides of his legs. Upon closer examination, I realized that they were hard lumps of dense skin that flaked away when I scraped it with my nail. There were also some dark brownish scabs on his skin. There were no visible patches of hair loss, and attempting to brush the flakes of skin away seemed to soothe him.
I bathed him with some moisturizing shampoo and brushed away as much of the flakes as I could and left the scabs untouched, as the one scab I did poke at revealed pinkish skin, though it didn't bleed.
I don't think we bathe him too much. We usually bathe him once a month, roughly-- sometimes more if he's rolled in something or decided to go for a swim in the lake. His fur is glossy, and there's no hair loss around the scabby and dry area.
I started adding about a teaspoon or two of olive oil to his food when I fed him, and it seemed to help it a little bit, but he's still itching and clearly uncomfortable. I'd really rather not take him into the vet, both for his sake and mine, as it stresses him out a lot and it's quite expensive, and if this is something that could be remedied with a simple diet change or a different shampoo, that would be far preferable.
I'm attaching a few photos of the area because it's pretty hard to describe.
Thanks so much for your help!

Try a cortisone creme from a pet store that says "ok for dogs".  You could also try a medicated powder.  If it starts to lose hair in the center, it could be ringworm which is a fungus.  It could also be a yeast infection, or a bacterial infection.  You may end up at the vet if you cant get this under control.
I would ask the vet if you could buy a spray from him called genicyn or gentamyacin... He will know what that is.  I don't have the spelling right but if you say it like that they all know what it is.   That is a fabulous spray.  Tell him your dog may have a hot spot or a skin problem and you would like to try that first before you bring him in.

That spray helps get rid of hot spots, bacterial infections, and some fungus, but not all.  It is certainly worth a try before you spend on the vet.
