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Will three dogs get along in the same household?

19 9:52:40

We have a 2 yr old female spayed G. Shepherd and are planning to adopt another female shepherd, 1 yr, 2 months as a companion for her. She is a rescue dog, as the owner cannot take care of her due to physical illness.
We have just been told about another G. Shepherd male, neutered 1 yr old who needs to be rescued and are considering it.
Please advise if there are any negative repercussions from having all three dogs in the same household, as we need to know how to handle the situation, if any could arise from this.

Hello Catherine,

Sure, there is no reason why 3 dogs shouldn't get along with one another.  I suggest you spend time with them to reassure that they will accept each other.  Your dog may show some signs of jealousy, but just be sure to give her lots of love and attention.  The new male coming in will most likely accept the females with out a problem.  I love to use treats as a reward for being good, dogs will always see food as the main focus, this will help to keep their minds on that and should help them to become friends.

Best wishes and good luck.
Susan The Healthy Dog