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japanese spitz

19 10:20:14


Japanese Spitz
hi there...

I need your help about my Japanese Spitz puppy. Her mother died and i adopted her, she's just 6 weeks now. I am not sure if the puppy food is enough as I was assuming she needs her Mum's milk. I will greatly appreciate if you can help me resolve how to raise her with proper nutrition.

By the way I only got her yesterday...

Hi Jason,

Puppy food (for your your puppy's first full year) is exactly what your puppy needs. Most puppies are completely weaned off milk by the time they're 6 weeks old.

If your pup is having trouble eating hard food, you can make a "puppy gruel" by mixing dry puppy food with a puppy milk replacer in a blender. It should be like an thin oatmeal like consistency, at least to start. As your puppy get older, you can adjust the chunkiness of the food as she learn how to chew. For a six week old puppy, she shouldn't need to get the gruel for more than about a week.

What would be lacking at your puppy's tender age are the important social ques she'd be learning from her mom and litter mates. Your pup still will not have learned how to "talk dog" to other dogs so she may develop fear based aggression towards other dogs. She also won't learn social signals such as "bite inhibition". The primary socialization period for dogs begins at 3 weeks of age and is diminishing by 12 weeks. Peak sensitivity is at 6 to 8 weeks.

The best way to help at this point is to put her with a litter of pups the same age so that she can learn - leave her with them until she is eight to nine weeks of age. You can work on people socialization skills by taking her around trusted people that can interact appropriately with her. After 3 months of age, this can also be done at training classes.

If you can't find a litter of puppies to use to help socialize your puppy, she should have sociable playmates in the neighborhood that she could interact with on a daily basis. You'll want to be sure your puppy has had her first vaccines before allowing her access to other dogs though.

Best of luck,