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Fighting/Peeing indoors

19 9:21:36

My family and I adopted a yellow lab, Saddie, she just turned 1 years old. We also have a 3 year old black lab, George. Whenever we show George attention (Saddie is right there too) she freaks out on him and bites him (aggressively). Also whenever we give them each a bone and he goes for his she freaks again and bites fiercely. However, when alone she is cuddly and cute like a baby. Also, she pees in the house regularly even after we let her outside in the yard regularly. She still chews so she is crated overnight. Any ideas what is up with her?

It sounds like she is both jealous and undisciplined.   You will have to take the leadership position with her.  Teach her all commands and teach her to go to her bed and stay.  When you give her a bone or anything else, she must go to her bed.   Don't let her get food or anything without telling her to sit and down and stay.  Can you walk them together?  Take them for walks together (if you can) so she can be challenged with new smells  and sights. Only do these things with her when you also have George.  This way she will associate George with good things.  When she goes to bite George (at any time), Tell her "NO" in a very low growly voice and literally pick her up and put her on her back right in front of George so she has to be submissive to him.  You have to keep her on her back until she stays there with your command.  Holding her down is counter productive.  Keep her there until she gives in and relaxes in that position.

If she is chewing, try changing her food to Eukanuba puppy food for big dogs.  I know she is too old for it, but I think she is missing something in her diet OR she is bored.  The long walks with George should help boredom, but the Eukanuba is great for minerals.  It will take about three to four months to take affect.  You can also give Pettabs WITH MINERALS.  

The more, you get control of her and watch her, the less she will pee in the house.  Do not let her have the run of the house.  Dogs need to be housebroken room by room so they know that the whole house is their den (which they keep clean) not just where they sleep.

It is important that you don't even let her walk out of the house first YOU GO FIRST AND SHE STAYS UNTIL YOU SAY IT IS OK.

Good luck