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Diarreah with Blood

19 10:40:32

I have an eight year old English Bulldog.  Normally she tends to have hard stools and if anything has difficulty having bowel movements. However, yesterday she began having diarrhea and there appears to be some bleeding as well.  She still has an appetite and appears to behaving as she normally does.  Thank you for your help.

Hi Tia-

How much blood are you talking about? Just a few drops, or a lot? A few drops in diarrhea can be normal, because the lining of their intestines and colon are irritated. A lot of blood and we are talking about something more serious.

She may have just gotten into something that didn't agree with her. At first, I would just offer her some rice and maybe boiled chicken, and a little bit of immodium or kao. If it continues for more then a day, or if new symptoms crop up, I would take her to the vet.

I hope she feels better!