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Dachshund spay - swollen mammaries

19 10:28:56


Hi Patti,

We took our 10 month old mini wire haired Dachshund back to the vet after being spay. She has uniformly very swollen mammaries, like when fully engorged. She has never been pregnant. Infection was ruled out. The vet said he has never seen such a thing. The incision site is healing nicely and is not swollen at all. She went through heat and what was termed a false pregnancy a few months ago. Have you heard of this type of uniform swelling being normal or should we get a second opinion? We were given a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory to give her for four days. She is more swollen than ever, four days after the operation.

Hi Curt,

It's good you've had your dog checked by your vet, and that she's been given a clean bill of health.

Enlarged nipples after a heat cycle or false pregnancy aren't unusual. It may take several months for Lilly's nipples to reduce in size, but they may never be the size they were before the onset of her heat cycle and false pregnancy.

It's only been four days since her operation, give it about two weeks to see how they look. If the nipples still seem to be enlarging, or show any signs such as redness or discharge, then you should have her re-examined by your vet. You could ask your vet for a referral to a veterinary specialist, if you aren't confident in your current vet's level of experience. I don't think there is such a thing as a veterinary gynecologist, you may need to see a veterinary internist.  You can locate a veterinary specialist here:

Best of luck,
