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Excessive drinking & swollen belly

19 13:39:50

Does anyone think she could possibly be pregnant??
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My 1year old female lab seems to havea swollen belly with no weith gain. She has also been drinking a lot more water than usual. She is even getting up in the night & drinking the water until it's gone. She is still just as playful as ever & eating as normal. Should I be concerned?
I know that I would be. I think it is time for a vet checkup to be sure that there isn't a problem developing. This can be a symptom of *many* diseases and/or infections, and it is always easier to catch them early on rather than later.


That wouldn't be my first guess since my pregnant bitches don't really drink any more water until after they deliver and start producing milk on a large scale.

So you are saying she is intact, was in season within the last two months, and had access to a male? Nipples would be getting very large, and her vulva would be fairly good-sized, too. You still need to go to the vet to have that verified.
