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min pin pregnancy

19 10:01:44

I have a 9 month old min pin. she just finished her first heat about 2 1/2 weeks ago and I noticed that her nipples have not shurnk but gotten quite larger then when she was in heat and it looks like there are little sacks under them now which appeared yesterday. she has also started to throw up yellow bile. I have never seen her get humped by a male...she is usually the one doing the humping so I don't see how she could by...I keep a close eye on her but I just wanted to ask before I go drop lots of money taking her to the vet. thank you.

Years ago I did take our first Lab to the vet.  It was only a false pregnancy.  If you were very careful to keep her away from intact males, it is unlikely she is pregnant.  The throwing up worries me.  It could mean an infection.  If things don't clear up before long, perhaps you will need to take her to the vet.