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Chinese Crested question

19 13:37:23

Hello Becky,
I have a Chinese Crested puppy 5.5 months old.  He is really beautiful.  He has green eyes is that normal?  My question is he has small black heads on his back, and he also smells real doggy.  I didn't think Cresties smelled.  What can I do about it?  The smell is really stronge.
Thank you,
Denise (Gizmos mommy)  

Hi Denise!
I bet Gizmo is adorable! I was not lucky enough to get any of mine as babies, mine were all at least one year old before I got them.  I have never seen green eyes on a chinese crested! So whether or not that is "normal", I really don't know. You may need to ask a breeder.  The blackheads,however, are very normal in this breed. Since they don't have hair, their skin has to be taken care of.  I bathe mine with a medicated shampoo and use a bath brush to gently exfolliate their skin.  It really does help. My dogs don't really smell doggy unless I have gone too long without bathing them. You need to bathe this breed more often than dogs with hair. Has he been neutered? If not, that may also be the problem. You also need to express his anal glands when bathing him.  If this isn't done,he will have an unpleasant odor. In case you don't know how, just gently squeeze his rectum, the anal sacs are located on each side and a foul smelling liquid will be ejected. This is why bath time is a good time to do this, as afterwards you can sudse him up good and clean the area well. You shoudl do this everytime you bathe him.

God Bless