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Chocolate Labrador - Genetic/Health Problems

19 14:05:20

This is not a question about diagnosing a specific health issue. It is more about breed selection so hopefully you can help.

I been VERY interested in getting a chocolate labrador for a long time now. I have been doing a lot of research on the net and have found that this specific color has been imbred so much that overall they tend to have more genetic problems which leads to more severe health problems than other dogs & colors of lab. I have heard stories of these dogs being stupid, having severe hip problems, being prone to cancer, and dying early.

What is the truth of the matter? I don't want to love a dog and then have it have serious problems or even die when it is still young. If I decided to get a chocolate lab am I taking a risk, or is safe? Is there any way to really know?

Also, what if I go for a mixed breed such as the Labernese? Will this breed have more genetic variety in which to prevent these problems?

All these problems can happen in a mixed breed or a pure. If you buy your dog from a repuatable breeder you will be paying more than from a backyard breeder. But this price will include health checks on the parents for genetic abnormalities. There is a far less chance also because dogs who have a history of problems that are genetic will not be bred. Good breeders who do it for the love of the breed do not make any money even though it may seem like they charge alot. I want you to read a few highly reccomended websites.

Labs can be a great family pet. But there are typically two different breeds in one. The pet and the working dog. The pet will more than likely will have parents that have been shown and may have entered a few hunting trials, but thats about it. The working dog is one bred spycifically for hunting. These Labs are built differently then pets. They are slimmer, and far more energetic. I would reccomend a pet. The color shouldn't matter. But if you prefer chocolate, let the breeder know. They will not have a litter ready all the time. You will more than likely have to be put on a waiting list. If there isn't a chocolate puppy, are you prepared to take home a different color if everything else fits? Mixed breeds are not bred for anything but making money. They are not nessersarily healthier because the breeders do not put enough thought and love anto the litter they breed. They will also sell a puppy on a first come/fist seved basis. They will not check up on the puppie and will not offer a gaurentee. There are exceptions, but few and far in between. I would go for a pure from a repuatably breeder or rescue, or a mix from a rescue or shelter.

I hope you find your dream puppy. Come back if you need anymore help.
