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Cesar Millan(Dog Whisperer)

19 13:41:52

I am a senior in highschool and My research paper is based on Cesar Millan and his philosophies.  He says that the main reason that dogs eat so much is because their natural reaction is to eat when the food is available.  When there is a lot of food around they will continue to eat.  What is your opinion on the matter?  Why dogs eat so much at times? Thanks a lot

Never heard of this man but dogs yes tend to eat when its avalible at lest my labrador retvier does will eat anything off counters or tables...she will steal people food and try eat out of grabages even thou her  high quaility hard food is right across the room, smaller finicky dogs will ussally only eat soffened or canned food there fore will not eat hard food left down non stop.