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puppy afraid of husband

19 10:56:37

we just bought a puppy on Monday...March 24, it is march 28 and he still has not formed a bond with my husband how can we help my husband and our puppy "pip" form a bond.  my husband wants to train him but we can't do this till my husband has pip'strust....HELP?

Hi Kim,

Thank you for writing to me about your puppy.

A new baby has just come into your home.  He has been taken from everything familiar and safe and placed into a new environment and a new pack.  He is likely confused, stressed and unsure of what the new guidelines are.

Men tend to be less gentle with dogs than women and a small puppy can perceive this not as play but with fear.  Perhaps there was one key factor that started his fear but now this is what he is reacting to.  Ask your husband to speak to the puppy in a high pitched, soft voice, avoid eye contact, not to bend over the puppy and to be generally very gentle with the little boy.

Purchase a book called On Talking Terms With Dogs: Calming Signals and make use of these natural cues that dogs exchange with one another.

If your husband wants to gain Pip's trust he can hand feed him, walk him and place him on his lap using soft, repetitive strokes and soft spoken praise.  Treats during the day would be helpful as well.

You can put a few drops of Rescue Remedy in his water bowl and rub a little on his gums to help relax him.  Play soft music and be sure that he gets enough exercise.

Give little Pip a chance...everything is new and he needs time to adjust.  Let puppy take the lead as to how much intimacy he can handle.  He will come around.

Best of luck,

Shelley Davis