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loss of hind leg control

19 14:16:40

7 years old

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Question -
Our Chow/GermanShepard mix had a slight limp in his fore leg. After an examination and x-ray (which showed some inregularity in vertibre above the shoulder)he started loosing control of his hind legs. Prednisone purked him right up, and he was back to normal except for a limp in his hind quarters. Reducing the prednisone brought emediate deterioration of his condition and he lost all use of his hind legs. Another injection of prednisone has got him on his feet but he staggers and falls.  His condition appears to be worstening. We have him on Liquid Health 5000 (gulcosomine)as well as the pregnisone tabs.  Does he have any chance of improvement?
Answer -
Hi, how old is your dog?


Hi, it sounds like he has some inflammation on his spinal cord which the prednisolone is taking the inflammation down.  The bad part is that it isn't actually fixing it.  It's just a temporary solution and it sounds like the inflammation is getting worse and thats why the prednisolone is not working as efficientally.  Prednisolone is very hard on the liver (it is a steroid) so that's why vets don't use it forever.  Unless you find a specialist in back problems, it does look like he isn't going to get better.  It sounds like he might need a really serious surgery to fix whatever the inflammation is pressing on. I wish I could give you better news, but it doesn't sound good.  Hope this helps a little even though it isn't really great news.
