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Never ending bad hair day...

19 14:16:41

I have two dachshund litter mates who are 2 years old.  The girl has a beautiful coat, long, black, shiny, her brother on the other hand looks like he was raised in a junkyard.  His hair is dull, thick, and grows in every direction (like he stuck his paw in an electric socket).  Are there any products we can use to help his coat?  We use conditioner and brush his hair daily, what else can we do?  Thank you!

All I can suggest is a good dog shampoo and conditioner. The only other thing would be his diet. Maybe he needs some more oils in his food. Feed something that the #1 ingredient is beef, or chicken..Lamb is ok but tends to lack more of the oil. If you want to, you could try adding a capful of peanut oil on his food. It make take up to a month to see a difference.