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Breeding pugs

19 9:48:10

My male pug was inadvertently allowed out with my 9 month-old female pug who is in season.  This was about day 8 of her heat cycle.  We do not know if he mounted her or not.  Her bleeding has gotten much lighter.  Is this a sign of pregnancy?


Hi Abigail,

The lighter color of discharge is part of the heat cycle, not a sign of pregnancy. The flow usually starts as a pinkish red colored discharge the first week, usually turning to a tannish color during the fertile period, and changing back to a reddish color before gradually stopping altogether.

Only your veterinarian could tell you if your dog is pregnant this soon after a breeding.

I can't begin to tell you how common it is for me to receive messages from dog owners who's females were "accidentally" bred. This should be a big old wake up call for you, and you shouldn't put off having your female dog spayed at this time.

Best of luck,
