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19 14:30:47

How do i get my lasoapso to listen better to me? He knows when to beg me for food and to play with me, but i would like him to come to me. and go in another room when some is freightened of him.

Dear Peter,

Your friend needs some basic obedience training, which should cure the problem.  Right now, he thinks that he is the master of the house, which is why he feels free to do as he pleases.  You must teach him that you are the "alpha" dog, and that he must obey you.

You can try to do the obedience training yourself, or you can seek out assistance from a local trainer.  I always suggest a trainer, since it's much easier for anyone to learn how to apply the proper techniques at home by seeing a pro go through the motions.  Here are some links that may be of help to you:

How to choose a dog trainer:

How to teach your dog to come to you:

Multiple articles on dog training:

The important thing to remember is that, once you have started training, you must be absolutely consistent or your dog will become confused.  However, with proper training, your dog should learn within a month or two what is expected of him, and begin to comply with your expectations.

Warmest wishes,