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dry skin

19 10:08:00

QUESTION: We have a 2 yr old lab mix, he has dry skin and is always itching him self is there anything i can give to him so this will end.

ANSWER: Feed a decent chow and as little else as possible, seldom if ever bathe the dog, and brush it daily with a soft bristled brush. You might add a teaspoon a day of liquid cooking oil to its food.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: May I ask what is decent chow

I have no experience with the truly low end stuff such as Old Roy and Shep.  For all I know, they may be fine.  I have extensive, positive experience with Pro Plan and know Science Diet, Iams, and other common brands work fine too.  I think much of what you read on the net about dog food is marketing hype with nothing but junk science to back it.  There are no controlled studies comparing the health of dogs eating different diets available to the public.  The only ones I know of are by the dog food companies, and the service dog schools.  I wouldn't trust the dog food companies.  I don't know the results of the studies the service dog schools have done, but do know they feed the common brands with excellent results.  

I don't have much personal experience with the highly hyped premium brands either.  Those insisting they are better seem unable to provide anything more substantial than anecdotes and speculation about ingredients.  Many of their arguments are illogical, dishonest, and emotionally based.