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growling sisters

19 11:06:51

We adopted two 9 wk old shih tzu's. They are 8 months old. About 2 months ago, they have started growling and biting each other.Thy don't do this with humans. After they fight,or we pull them apart, they seem better and fall asleeep together. We seperate them, hold them firmly around the back oh the neck and say NO!!!  THey don't listen. This happens about 2-3 times a day and sometines not at all. Thay are very sweet and precious. They do play well together and like to be near each other. They are not fixed yet.
Thank you in advance for your help.

Spaying them might help, and that is certainly the first thing I would try. As they enter adolescence, they are vying to determine which one is more dominant, and cutting down on those hormones might help if it is done soon enough.

If it doesn't work, the fighting will most likely escalate until you will have to keep them separated or place one of them. It is never wise to buy two littermates at the same time.

Obedience training never hurts, and I would most certainly practice "Nothing in Life is Free" with them.