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Housebreaking My Beagle

19 11:07:16

I purchased a Beagle from a pet store which was three months old at the time. Trying to "potty train" him is a very arduous task. Because he was purchased from a pet store, he did not mind soiling in his crate AT ALL. He started asking to go outside SOMETIMES by sitting at the door I always take him out. We went almost three days without an accident in the house or crate, but now he seems to soil in the house a couple times daily. There are no accidents in his crate overnight now, but if he is crated for a couple hours he may go inside of it. He will hold his bowels/bladder overnight (about 6-7 hours) so I know he can do that, but it seems that during the day he chooses not to hold it. I take him out a couple times an hour, but we still seem to have accidents in the house. I have had an "eagle eye" on this puppy for about five weeks now, and everything I read says at five months they should not need to be taken out so much. Is there any advice you may be able to give me?

Well the best way to crate train is to keep the dog in there at all times,except to go outside,to go for a walk,to play,to be fed or if you want to take him somewhere-and do this for about three weeks and slowly let him out more,and if the accidents return,back in the crate he goes

However if that still doesn't work,another alternative would be to keep him in one room or in a pen and use puppy pads or papers and slowly move them closer to the door and that will often move them outside