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Shih Tzu Ingrown Hair

19 14:07:58

My male Shih Tzu had some fecal matter around his anus and it may have been there a week before I saw it. It wasn't there a week ago at bath time. Anyway, when I cleaned him up the area underneath was red and irritated with a couple of swollen places the size of a half dime which I think are caused by ingrown hair. Do you have suggestions as to what medication to put on the places and what to do about these ingrown hairs? Thanks

Hi, it sounds like Shih Tzu might have impacted anal glands.  If the swelling is on both sides of the anus then that is what is going on.  The glands are on the inside of the anus.  You might want to clip the hair around the anus, and then use warm compresses on any swelling.  As far as the glands, if they are imacted, you will need to take him to the vet to have them expressed.  Hope this helps,
