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Miniature Schnauzer Training

19 14:15:55

Hello Karen,
I have a 5 month mini-schnauzer and I want to make sure I do everyting right. From training to making sure he lives a happy good ol' life. What are your recommendation for having "Tigger" trained at this point. I want him to start learning how to get along with other dogs and people of all kind. What are your recommendation since you are the Mini-Schnauzer expert. Also any other personal experience that you will like to share about mini schnauzer, please do so.. I love my doggie.. can't think of a better breed

Obedience training is an absolute must for every dog, particularly schnauzers! They are smarter than most of us*g*, and we need to train them in order to keep on top of them and their numerous antics. Find a good training club in your area and plan on classes for several months. Work with your dog every day.

Weather permitting, take your puppy everywhere with you, and have strangers pet him and offer him bits of treats. Doggie daycare is the latest and greatest! Try to get your puppy into one for great dog socialization once or twice a week.

Get the great paperback, How to Raise and Train a Puppy You Can Live With, by Rutherford and Neil (Alpine Press). Read it from cover to cover. Then think of the perfect dog you want in two years, and start molding your puppy into that dog.

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