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dry nose and breating help no one else will

19 11:35:05

my cuzins american eskimo seems to be breating funny and i dont think he will bring the dog to the vet .she also has a kinda normal temped but not that wet nose.its not scal-e but yae i am worried i love her too much and i need to know what to do .i am only 13 maybe i am over reacting please help one else will  

Hello dogs noses are always wet sometimes they are dry cold/warm slimey it depends...if she isnt breathing right has labored breathing or her heart seems to be beating rather fast or she is colapsing she may have experianced heat stroke since the weather in many areas is still quite which case she'd need to be soked in cool NOT cold water and allowed to drink as much water as shelikes...i say this is possible since the breed has such as thick coat they can easily over heat....its easy to pervent sun or heat stroe keep the dog indoors most of the time with a fan going where the dog can get the air when its very hot and keeping a dish of water avalible at all times helps also clipping the dogs coat for the summer is useful in such a plush coated breed also. Breathing funny can be many things but since its august its still hot many places and heatstroke would be my first Guess...please note I am not a vet and if there is real concern for the dogs health and wellbeing please see a vet.