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can you help me with my puppys siezures

19 13:40:46

My husband adopted a beautiful lab/retriever/Rhodesian mix. She is almost 2 and for the past year has had some very odd seizures. Her seizures are less than 5 min. she tightens and convulses. Then there is shaking, salivating and bowel and bladder control loss. Sometimes should wouldn't recognize us after and would growl then loss bladder control. Recently though the seizures have changed. They have become more violent I belive one may have lasted for almost 5 min. Now though instead of her only having one she had 7 back to back her "aftershock" was 3. They only stopped because we rushed her to our vet and he sedated her. The odd thing about these seizures is that they did not occur until she had been exposed to a bottle of ink shoepolish that our cat had broken on the floor one day. She happened to be in her kennel at the time and was exposed to the fumes. The following morning at exactly 6 am she had her first seizure, then she had another one exactly 2 weeks to the day at 6am to the day. That is the odd part she has a seizure at 6am the following morning after being exposed to any chemicals now and an "aftershock" 2 weeks to the day and always at 6 am. The German vet is now saying that her sensitivity to light and the noises that she has begun to make are symptomatic of epilepsy. He says that we should put her down that she only has a few months left before they give her a heart attack. That he could do surgery and the medicine would cause her kidneys to shut down and bladder to explode. I know of other dogs who are epileptic and have been on medication for years and they are fine. We are military and I am going to get a second opinion tomorrow from our military vet. See she has never had so many or even violent seizures till this last one and it was my fault I shampooed the carpets and her couch. I don't think that she should have to be put down for my mistake. Do you have any advise or suggestions. My husband and I do not have children yet and she is our little girl, I have to find some way to help her. My husband is sadly considering putting her down if she has another violent seizure like the last.

Hello Genevieve,  My heart goes out to you,  I also know of dogs that are on meds and they seem to keep the seizures under control.  Getting a second opinion is best, and what I would do.  Other than the correct medication, I would keep her quiet and avoid those situations that would cause the seizures.  When a dog is having a seizure when being groomed, as this can be a stressful situation for some dogs, I take them to a dark place (a room I can turn the lights out) and put a small amount of sugar (karo syrup if you have some) in their mouth and this seems to bring them around quicker.  All my best to the three of you and I hope the second vets gives you more hope,  Thanks for asking, Cindy Lou :)