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Litter/Paper training & agressiveness

19 13:40:46

Dear Charlotte,

I've read up on some of your other answers to questions like mine, and I've tired almost all the things you've suggested.

I live in an apartment, and it is very important of course to keep the floors clean and the land lords happy. I'm unable to take him outside a whole lot, only before and after school, and before bed time after homework and such. I've come across a solution I believe will work. Litter training. I suppose I should do it just like paper training or out door training, and I know there are some risks of clumping litter, but because I know I can be careful and get the right stuff. Lol. I do the whole stern no, and praises and treats for being good thing. Do you have any other suggestions at all? Should I even try litter training? Also I was wondering if it would be smart to sort of soak some paper pits or such in his little bathroom messes and put them in the litter, wouldn't that attract him to go there again?

Ok sorry for babbling on so long, but I have another question. My puppy doesn't respond (well not very well...) to loud 'NO!'s or noises as scolding and I can't stand to spank or cage him or whatever. Are there any other effective ways of punishment?

I may just be overreacting, he is  very young and I've not had him long, but other dogs I've had haven't been so  difficult.

By the way if it makes any difference( some breeds act differently I've heard.) hes a Chihuahua-poodle-cog mix.

Suggestions please?

Thanks loads!!!!!! =)

I would take my dog to obedience training and such but it is not really in my budget and my mom tells me the dog is entirely my responsibility...SOoo....  

Hi Chandra;
There are litter boxes and special litter for dogs now.
A lot of people that live in apartments are getting dgs, and litter training them.
As for the training.
Maybe if your mom understands that there are proper ways to train a dog and until someone taches you how to do it, you can't possibly know how to do it to get the job done right.
Maybe she would help some with the expense.
Petco and Petsmart both offer group classes, but for a student the cost could be too much. It is a low price for such classes, but most children cannot handle that much.
You could also go and watch the classes.
You would learn quite a bit about how to do it by just watching some classes.
Call your Humane Society in your area, explain your situation and see if they can help you.
Our main concern in the Humane Society is to help people care for their animals properly.
If the classes are not free ( they are in my chapter)maybe you could work a deal to help out around the shelter a feafternoons a week or on weekends to help with the cost of the classes.
Also call the animal rescue groups in your area.
If you don't know about them, you can put animal rescue groups in your search engine. You will get the ones in your state, and from there find the ones closest to you.
I work with rescu groups here, and we have obedience classes.
One rescue group I work with has fre obedience and care classes on weekends for children and teenagers.
I am sure if you explain to your mon that you want to assume responsibility, but need some help in learning the proper way to do it, and you can turn your dog into a pet you mother will be glad to hav around.
If you have specific qustions about how to train about a particular thing, write me, and I will help you as much as you can.
I am so glad to see you taking responsibility for the care of you pet and friend, and I will be glad to help any way I can.
If you need help searching for rescue groups in your area, write me what town and state you live in, and I will help you search.