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dogs and poison ivy

19 10:50:15

my neighbor had a big pile of poison ivy that he was getting ready to bag and my dog ran over and grabbed a mouthful and ran around with it it her mouth for a minute or two...then jumped in the big pile and got more... will she get it in her mouth?

Dear Sally,

Thank you for writing to me about your dog's experience with a poison ivy patch.

This is from a website that I urge you to go to and order from for your dog:

POISON IVY PREVENTION is prepared from the resin of the plant RHUS Toxicodendron which is the base substance of poison ivy and poison sumac. Preparation of "RHUS-TOX" in pills, oral solution, and injections has been used for many years in reducing the occurrence and symptoms of poison ivy/oak and sumac.

POISON IVY PREVENTION has been developed from a German formulation which has been successful in reducing the occurrence of poison ivy. The success of this preparation is improved by taking three doses over a three week period during the dormant (winter) phase of the plant cycle.

POISON IVY PREVENTION is best taken between meals. Mint flavored foods (mouthwash, mints, etc.) should be avoided. When taking the vial, the solution should be held in the mouth for 30 seconds, and then swallowed. Repeat the dose on the same day of the week for three consecutive weeks. This preparation has been known to be effective with the minimum amount of side effects. Always keep medication away from children.

The site is:

Since it is a holiday weekend and it will take time for you to get this product (unless you have a health food store near you and can pick up a vial of Rhus Tox and start administering immediately, I would suggest that you buy some baby benedryl just in case your dog breaks out.  Much like humans, not all dogs are going to catch it the first time but you want to be prepared for the intense itching that might occur.

I would also suggest that you alert your vet to what happened. Internal poison ivy is nothing to take lightly as swelling in the throat can occur.

You should also give your dog some vit C as it is anti inflamatory.

Please approach your neighbor and see if they would agree to you spraying the poison ivy patch with something that will kill the growth in order to avoid your dog from coming in contact with it again.  In the meantime, confine your dog to your own property where he can be kept safe and out of harms way.

Best Regards,
Shelley Davis