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Standard Schnauzer

19 11:25:14

QUESTION: Dear Dlee,

I am considering buying a standard schnauzer from a breeder that lives in my area. I read a lot about the standard schnauzer and I think that this breed is the perfect breed for me. I love how his face looks like my English teacher (who is 61 years old and has a very large beard). I also like how he is energetic, intelligent, and don't shed a lot.

However, I am worried because I have a guinea pig in my home. I read that schnauzers are excellent rodent killers, which is a bad news for my guinea pig. Is there a way that I can enjoy my guinea pig without putting it into harm? Can I train my future schnauzer to be tolerant to my guinea pig? On a side note, if I decide to get a schnauzer, he will be my first dog.

Also, is it possible to train a dog to use a litterbox? I find it quite challenging to take the dog outside for it to eliminate after every meal, because I am a high school student, and can take care of him well at any time except school hours.

I will ask more questions later when time allows me to.

         Raymond Ku

ANSWER: I don't recomend this breed as a first is very terrier like and can be VERY stubborn and hard to handle. Yes they are rodent hunters I have two small terriers in my home one of which was bred to kill rabbits and badgers and he must be watched carefully when I am handling my lizards or snakes as he gets very hyper and my guess is if I dropped the small critter he'd lunge for it..I had rabbits before with the same terrier and they got out all the time and I woke one night to him barking a the edge of the bed while the bunnies were everywhere lol. You can get a rodent killer to accept such pets but it is NOT advisable to have the guineapig out on the floor when your dogs about. Please consider some different breeds I would not reccomend this breed at all as a first'd be better starting with a dog/pet friendly, easy to train breed like a cocker spaniel, labrador retreiver,golden retreiver or other gundog. and please see mywebsite for care info, Training a larger breed to use a litter pan likely is Not going to work.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Will miniature schnauzers be fine for "first dog" and litter box training?

Hello, A mini might be a better choice but again litter box training is ment really for tiny toys under 10 pounds who are too prissy to go outdoors. You can try with one of these dogs but I can't say for sure it will take to it well. It would be an ok first dog again a bit stubborn but over all a well rounded little dog...beware thou you may not know these dogs need shown in books/magazines and dogs in dog shows have hair cuts...a untrimmed schnauzer looks very sruffy and the fur covers the dogs eyes completely.