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My Mastiff has pyoderma

19 10:47:55

I have a English Mastiff that I rescued from a puppy mill down in missouri, he was 3 1/2 years at that time. When I arrived at the mill to get him he had barely any hair, he was covered in sores and had heart worms, hooks worms, infections all throughout his body. I have built him back up so now he is free of most ailments. He still suffers badly from seasonal allergies, which is causing severe pyoderma this year. I had him on prednisone, which I really didn't want to, but it helped to relieve his itching. Now he has been experiencing horrible side effects from it, I think he might even be developing a bladder infection. I was wondering if anyone knew of any homeopathic remedies or any natural way of treating/curing this. Ive tried just about everything from benedryl and vitamins, to steroids. I am tempted to go and get him the cortisone shot since that seemed to be the only thing that worked with little or no side effects. please help me find a natural way to relieve my dogs allergies and pyoderma!

Hi Dani,

Thank you for writing to me about your English Mastiff.  This is a complex problem and should be dealt with by a holistic vet.  I am going to give you some referrals and all these vets will do phone consulations in conjunction with your regular vet.  They should be able to work as a team with your own vet, to help your baby.

Dr. Newkirk - Margate Animal Hospital - New Jersey

Dr. Mihok - Smith Ridge Veterinary Center in South Salem, NY

Dr. Kruesi -

Either of these vets will ask for extensive blood work, possibly hair analysis to determine if there is any heavy metal toxicity, and allergy tests.  They can incorporate your current records as well.

Either of these vets, especially Dr. Newkirk and Dr. Mihok can suggest alternatives to drugs.

I wish you the very best.

Shelley Davis