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My dog Nike

19 10:39:37

I got my dog Nike neutered almost a week ago. He was just fine coming out of the office and up til the third day was he ok. That third day he started to really stick by my side. he wouldn't go play with the other dogs, he wouldn't go outside without me being there with him. He is chewing and licking his cut to the point where it is all bare and red and he has broken open two of his stitches. i tried putting a cone on his head but he would sit there and fight and fight and moan til i took it off. i felt bad I couldn't look at him like that. now, day 4 he is not eating, usually when he is woafing down his food, he is throwing up everything he puts down, he is hiding underneath my bed and won't come out for anything. he isn't coming when being called. he just isn't being himself and i am really worried about him. Any advice?

Hi Heaven,

After surgery, a veterinarian usually gives out a list of things to do, to care for the surgical site. This includes preventing the dog from chewing at the surgical site.  Now, because these directions were not followed, your dog probably has an infection, and his treatment has been complicated.

Just as a parent sometimes must make decisions that might be unpopular with her children, so must a pet owner do what's best for her pet, even if it seems like wearing a cone collar is temporarily uncomfortable. I hope you have learned from this experience.

You need to contact your veterinarian regarding your dog's surgery wound. Do not delay, as things can get a whole lot worse.

Best of luck,