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Puppy Potty Training/Biting

19 14:05:14

Dear Charlotte,

I bought a purebred toy poodle a few months ago.  His name is Taraji and everyone really loves him, especially me.  However, I've never really owned a dog before and I've been having some difficulty in training him.  The problems I'm having involve potty training and biting.  

I live in an apartment and work during the day so I keep Taraji in my large, puppy-proof bathroom and have newspaper spread on the floor.  The paper training hasn't been going very well, unfortunately, and lately he's been peeing on the carpet.  

Charlotte, I KNOW my dog knows he's doing the wrong thing.  He gets this guilty look in his eyes when he goes to the bathroom where he knows he shouldn't go.  My question is, how do I properly paper train my stubborn but cute little puppy?  Should I try teaching him to go outdoors?

The other problem, as I mentioned, is he's quite a little nipper.  I he loves to play and he has lots of chew toys, but he really likes to bite people.  I think it's an attention thing.  How to I get him to stop this bad behavior?

I noticed you mentioned that you live in the Dallas area.  I live right downtown!  If worst comes to worst, perhaps you could swing by and help teach little Taraji right from wrong?

Thanks for your help, Charlotte!


Hi Kristen;
Hee hee hee, sounds like yu have a little brat in the making. Better get that curbed now.LOl
I have never peper trained a pupy. i always train them to go outside, and when i worked, provided a room they could stay in and paper on the floor.
I guess peper training would be just like training to go outside. When he aquats to go, grab him up and put him on the paper, when he goes there, praise him and make a big deal of it. when he goes somewhere else, show it to him ( DON'T put his nose in it!) and tell him "NO!" in a very stern, scolding voice.
He will learn ( I think he already knows) where you want him to go, but a scolding goes with doing it in the wrong place, praise goes with going in the right place, and it is in his best interest to do it right.LOl
He will prefer the praise.
Biting is atural with dogs, That is the way they play with their litter mates. However, they have to learn to play the people way. When he bites, start out telling him gently, "NO, be a good puppy and don't bite". When he continues to bite,m get a lettle more harsh with scolding, and then after about the 3rd time, stop playing with him. Say "NO! if you're going to bite, no playing" and leave him alone.
Petsmart and Petco have weekend group clases in basic obedience.
This would be by far the best solution for you.
They would teach you how to train him. a trainer teaches you what commands to give and how to give them. They can help you turn this little critter into a fine young gentleman.
I don't travel much. I am 80% disabled, so I am not able to get out and around, and cannot bend down etc to train anymore.
We have Petsmart and Petco stores all over and they all have these classes.