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My dog will not interact with my dad

19 11:16:00

Ok so i was given my dog (Kilo) from a girl about six months ago. He is a Miniature Pinscher and he is going to be 3 in January. He instantly was attached to me from the first couple hours i got him. He is a very playful and loving dog. He loves to lay in your lap and be pet and walked. I noticed at first he was very hesitant with most males. I think it was because he was raised by a female, but i know the reason he was given to me was because she was moving in with her new boyfriend and i guess he didn't like him. It took Kilo about a month to really warm up to my boyfriend that i lived with. At first i could tell Kilo was jealous of him because he would always jump in my lap when me and my boyfriend were laying or sitting together. But now he goes up to him just the same as to me. Well i recently moved home and took my dog with me. Kilo loves my mom loves my whole family  but no matter what i do he will not let my dad touch him. My dad has done nothing to make Kilo not like him. I don't know if it is his smell or his voice it is very frustrating. I will pick Kilo up just to let my dad pet him because my dad really wants him to warm up to him. My dad loves dogs and all dogs love my dad i don't get it. Its just very odd because when my brother visits he is fine with him and he rarely sees him. My dad lives here and he just will not give him a chance. The odd thing is that Kilo is almost like fascinated by my dad. He follows him around and stares at him but when my dad tries to pet him or approach him he runs away with his ears back. But he can not take his eyes off him. He also barks at him a lot when he gets home. He wont even sometimes take a treat from my dads hand. It is just very aggravating because if my dad is the only one home he cant even get Kilo to let him out. So I'm hoping you can please give me some sort of advice, I am all out of ideas. Please help. I appreciate you taking the time to give me some advice.

 O and one more thing.....sometimes only when no one is home Kilo likes to tear up things like my moms yoga mat or garbage. He doesn't eat it just tears it up? Is that because he is frustrated that no one is home?  

Hi Christine
Nobody can ever really know why dogs do the things they do. You can only deal with what you do know. Stop trying to force Kilo on your dad,. this is likely making the situation worse. Dogs don't relate to people like people relate to people.  I'm wondering if your dad is not a very strong , alpha type male and your dog is feeling threatened by him. That would explain following him around and barking at him. Put Kilo on a leash give the leash to your dad and have him walk him twice a day. Until Kilo is a tired boy.  Tell him not to look at or make eye contact with him during the walk or before. Just walk him, at heel , with a loose lead. If Kilo tries pulling have him give a sharp tug to the side toward his body. Not up, or down or back, just a sharp sideways tug without looking at Kilo or slowing down. I promise you in a very short time you will see Kilo actually approach your dad., Meanwhile, tell dad to ignore him. If Kilo makes an effort to come to him, then STILL ignore him unless he comes all the way up to him or sits beside him. He WILL make the effort once he sees your father is just not so impressed with him, As for his destructive behavior, the walks will help that too. You can put him in a crate while noone is home and/or leave him toys filled with treats to keep him busy. Type alpha boot camp into your webbrowser for some REALLY wonderful ways to establish pack order in your home