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Dogs and Music

19 14:11:02

Do you think certain types of music can appeal to dogs more than others?

Dear Mitchell,

Thanks for writing to me about your dog and music.

I am not an expert on music but I have seen classical music calm dogs in my care.  Like plants, dogs respond well to Mozart and other types of beautiful classical sounds.  

My guess is that they would respond well to musical meditation tapes as well.

Amazon sells a CD,  Canine Lullabies
by Terry Woodford, that claims the following:

This Heartbeat Music Therapy calms barking and anxious dogs and other animals. American Boarding Kennel Association members tested this music and found that it REDUCES SEPARATION ANXIETY, STOPS OR DECREASES BARKING, CONSOLES WHIMPERING PUPPIES, COMFORTS SICK OR HURT DOGS, & SETTLES HYPERACTIVITY. It works or your money back.

I have come across other CD's making similiar claims that I have heard isn't very effective.

The best thing to do is try it and see how it effects your dog.

Shelley Davis