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my dog lili

19 10:19:43

I have a 3yr old female miniature schnauzer who has been loosing her hair little by little and i want to know how i can help it grow back she use to have a beautiful long coat but now its thin and almost all gone you cant even tell that she has hair


Hi Ludivina,

You didn't say if your dog has any itching or red, raw skin along with the hair loss. You also didn't say if you've had your dog examined by your veterinarian.  

There are several diseases and conditions which can cause a dog to lose hair (hair cycle arrest ). Your vet will want to rule out endocrine diseases such as hypothyroidism (Cushings disease).

Losing excessive amounts of hair, bald patches, or biting and chewing his fur is not normal for your dog. If your pet is losing an extreme amount of hair, it could be a sign of a more serious underlying problem. You should work closely with your veterinarian to diagnose and treat the issue.

Best of luck,