Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > help!!!!!


19 14:02:26

I recently rescued a pitbull/chow mix. He is turning into a great pup. He loves my cats and dogs and wants to play all the time.

PROBLEM: There are cats and dogs at my home and cats and dogs at my office (seperate locations). My pup never marks my home but does mark my office! At first he only marked the potted plant. Thinking this was because he peed on the bushes outside) we took that away from him (no plants in my home) but now he's marking the chair in my office!

Same situations right, so what the heck is going on here?????????  (Not neitered yet, waiting on end of heartworm treatment).


Hi LeBaron,
Most people are not aware how dogs and pups think.  A dog is a den animal. In the wild, as soon as a puppy can hold his urine etc., he will walk outside of his den and urinate right outside the door of the den.  He goes right outside of the den because he can't hold it any longe than that.  As he matures, he can get farther and farther away from the den by holding it longer, and then goes as far away as possible.   If he is an intact male he will then start to mark the territory around his den area.  All in all he will keep his den area as clean as possible.
When you have a domesticated dog, it is similar.  Whereever he learns his den is, he will keep clean.  That is why a puppy will come out of his crate or bed and go to the bathroom, as  you correct him he learns that a larger and larger area is his "den" so he keeps it clean.  Usually he has to be taught to be clean in each room.
Now you have brought him way outside his "den" to your office.  What that means to him is  "I'll go here and keep my den at home clean"  Sooooo  he now has to learn that this, too, is part of his den.
I would keep him on a leash attached to your belt while you are at the office so he can be corrected quickly if he goes to mark etc.  Once he gets the idea that this is his den too, he will be fine.   You will have to clean the areas very well with a urine type cleaner as well to get any sent out.  You will have to spend a concentrated time with him until he "gets it" since he has had a few accidents there, but it sounds like he will be well worth it.
good luck nancy