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dog with a bladder problem

19 11:25:16

I have a beagle/blue tic hound who pees all the time.  I let her out of her crate and she pees all the way to the door.  If you are in the yard and she just peed and you start to love her she pees all over the place.  Is this a spadic bladder and can I do any thing about it.

Hi Mary
If you haven't had your dog checked for infection and weak bladder please do so. Once that is ruled out, you can try exercising her more to strengthen the muscles supporting her bladder. A hound needs a great deal of exercise anyway. Twice daily walks plus other ways of exercise as well. Mostly what you are describing is submissive urination. Peeing when you speak to her is a dog's way of showing submission. The most important thing to do is NOT to correct her for it as that just makes her think she needs to submit more. Not looking her in the eye, not making a big deal of petting her, not fussing at her for doing it, these are all ways to help her not to continue the behavior. You can also remember to get down on her level to pet her , pet her under her chin or on her chest and not on top of her head. If you diligently work on these things, walk her twice daily and get her into obedience training it should help her self confidence and discontinue the submission. Most importantly NEVER physically correct her ever for any reason. She will eventually over come this with time, patience and love,. There is no quick fix