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Housebreaking jack russell 1 yr. old

19 10:35:34

Hi, I actually have two jacks. The boy is much better with the holding it. But the girl just seems to do it anytime she feels like it. But they don't do anything in their crates. They are crate trained. The girl dog also likes to eat her poop.  I did get them both checked out. And there wasn't any problems they said. They gave me a little pamphlet telling me how to potty train. And in the pamphlet it says he or she must be retarded if they don't get it. The training was basically praising when they go outside. And if they start to do inside, make a loud noise or something to get attention. And run them outside even if they are still going. And then praise again when finishing outside. Well it did not fix my potty problem. The boy gets it more than the girl. She does let me know sometimes. But she will basically go whenever. I have also tried watching them every second which was hard. She just isn't getting it. Should I just slap a diaper on her and be done with it? There must be some better training ideas out there for the extreme dog that just can't seem to learn. If you have any advice that could help I would greatly appreciate it.


Well you could do one of two things-first to keep them in the crates at all times,except to take them out feed them ect And do that for about three weeks and slowly let them out more,and if accidents return,back in the crate they go for another week.You did say they were clean in the crate but wasn't sure how long you crated them for-for it to be done properly they have to be in the crate all the time when indoors except feeding them ect

Now the second is to either keep them in one room or put them in a gate,and put down either papers or puppy pads and when it looks like they might go,put them on the pads/paper and praise them,and start to move the papers/pads closer to the door and that often moves them outside as well