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Dog Neuter

19 11:12:24

My Bulldog is 2 yrs old and was neutered 4 days ago today, since the day after his surgery he has been drinking and urinating excessively, he has had 2 accidents in the house which he has never done before, is this normal and will this go away or could there have been something done incorrectly when the surgery was performed. Other than that everything else is normal.

Hi Tracey,

If your dog is on any medication after his surgery, that could explain the increased drinking and urination. Sometimes dogs take a bit to recuperate and get back to normal.

This is the sort of post-surgery problem your vet would want to hear about. Have you contacted the doctor?
Until you talk to your vet about this problem, it would be a good idea to give your dog more frequent opportunities to go outside.

Best of luck,