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Dogs jaw

19 9:21:02

Our dog has difficulty opening her mouth.  She eats her food regularly but seems to find difficulty opening her mouth wide, even to yawn.  Otherwise she is in high spirits and does not appear unhealthy at all.

What could it be?


Hi Alan,

Because dog are animals, they don't show pain as you and I do. It's a survival skill. Since you've noticed that your dog is having difficulty opening her mouth, you can be sure that she is in pain.

Your dog may have a jaw injury, or she might have something stuck under her gum line, a cracked tooth, or periodontal disease. There is also a progressive muscle disease dogs can develop called Masticatory Muscle Myositis (MMM) which would effect a dog's jaw muscles.

There is no way to diagnose your dog over the Internet, your dog needs to be examined by a veterinarian. Until she can be examined by your vet (which should be done as soon as possible!) soak her food in warm water or warm fat free beef or chicken broth, or grind it to make sure she gets enough nutrition.

If you are having trouble affording veterinary care, first talk to your regular vet. Ask your veterinarian if he or she will let you work out a payment plan. Many veterinarians are willing to work out a weekly or monthly payment plan so that you do not have to pay the entire cost of veterinary care up front. Another option is to contact your local shelter or Humane Society. Some shelters operate or know of local subsidized veterinary clinics or veterinary assistance programs. Yet another option is to contact friends and family and ask for a loan. If you happen to live within driving distance to a veterinary school, check with them to see if they offer discount services to the public. There are two special credit cards to apply for, which help with medical bills (including veterinary bills) read about them here:

Best of luck,
