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My dog has stopped using his litter box

19 11:15:44

QUESTION: I have a 1 year old Yorkie, Bailey.  He has been litter lox trained since April '07.  We have never had any issues with him going outside his litter box but we moved to a new apartment 5 days ago and since then he continues to go potty everywhere but his litter box.  He'll even go right next to where I'm standing!  He knows he's done something bad because right after his hides.  When he goes potty outside his box, I put his nose by the "accident" (not in it) and they tell him no and give him a swat on his butt.  Then I put him in his litter box and tell him that's where he needs to go.  Why is my dog doing this?  My only other thought I have as to the cause of this is we bought a beagle 2 months ago (they are both males and neither one is neutered) and the beagle refused to go potty outside.  We gave the dog to our parents to potty train because they've owned beagles in the past.  Whenever the two dogs get together they both pee all over our parents house until they calm down, usually after about an hour or two.  Does this have anything to do with Bailey not using his litter box?  If it helps, the beagle has not been to the new apartment.

ANSWER: Hi Lindsay...let me start first with the fact that two males will continue to mark over each other unless you get them neutered, and the sooner the better. The older dog will not change if not done soon. Now to the bigger issue. When people litterbox train their dog, they are not really doing anything but teaching the dog to go in one spot. Litterboxes are indoors and the dog just knows it is ok to go inside., Now if you moved, you must teach your dog all over again where the exact spot is to go all over again, It may be more difficult due to the second dog, My best suggestion would be to use a crate when you cant watch them. Good luck and let me know how it turns out

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: There's one thing I'm a little confused on though.  He did use the litter box the first day but not since then.  Is he really that confused or is he just unhappy?  There have been several times when he'll pee right by us..almost like he's trying to show us he's upset.

Hi again. the answer is yes ..he could be unhappy, but i am willing to bet he just needs to be re taught where to go. I tell people all the time that when they move they need to start over with potty training., try the crate for a while and show the dog where to go each time..and then if it doesnt work you will need to hire a behaviorist.
thanks and good luck