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grooming mini schnauzer

19 10:36:10

I am wanting to groom my dog myself.  I've been having the pro groomer cut all one length w/ #5 blade, #10 for head.  Should I use snap-on combs for the body?  Should I buy a #5 and if so, which kind, skip-tooth, finish cut, regular?  Is there a clipper you would recommend?

If you like your dog groomed with a #5 blade, then that is what you should buy. I myself prefer the skip-tooth blades; I think the finishing ones tend to leave "tracks" more. Avoid the plastic snap-on combs. They are pretty useless, for the most part.

As to clippers... man, there are a million of them now. Either the Andis or the Osters are good bets. I think most of them are fairly similar, except for minor differences. I prefer the Andis because they cannot suck hair inside at the base. Expect to pay in the neighborhood of $150 or so. They come with a #10 blade, and just make sure the clipper accepts interchangeable blades.

If you haven't been to my web page, I talk a bit about grooming a schnauzer.