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Baby puppy

19 13:59:45

Hi my aunts dog just had puppies which is a k-9 or something like that, I'm really not sure of the type of dog. but he was just born last week and this past weekend i brought one home. Was it to soon or what. they were only less than two weeks old. I am scared that it might die, i really don't want nothing to happen to him. I started feeding him regular milk, the one we drink and warmed it up to. but i went to petco and bought him now powder milk to feed him. another question is that my aunt is coming down this weekend and well should i send him back to his mom and bring him back in a couple of weeks. please help me?

Hi Juan, I'm sorry I couldn't get back to you sooner, you definitely need to get that puppy back to it's mother.  Puppies shouldn't be separated from their mother until 6-8 weeks of age.  They need their mother's milk to get all the nutrients, and immunity from diseases.  Artifical milk can't give them immunity from diseases.  Hope this helps,
