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My Dog Is Throwing up Yellow

19 10:27:02

My dog has been throwing up yellow all day, what could be wrong and what should I do?

Hi Chad,

Thank you for writing to me.  Usually yellow is bile from an upset stomach.  However, bile is usually a one or two time event from my experience.  If this is copious amounts of vomit I would consider seeking the help of a vet.  At least call your vet and discuss what is going on.

Do you know if your dog could have gotten into anything?  Any poison perhaps?  Garbage?  Onions, chocolate, grapes, raisins?  Medication?  Check around the house and grounds to see if anything looks out of the ordinary.

Do not feed your dog.  Make sure that he's drinking.  If he's not drinking he could become dehydrated.  In order to encourage him to drink you can give him a low sodium beef or chicken broth...or mix some into his water bowl.  You can also offer him a saltine cracker or small piece of toast to sop up the acid in his stomach.

Pepto Bismo could calm his tummy.  Use a child's dose.

Check on the whites of his eyes and his gums.  If they do not look normal then rush your dog to the vet immediately.

Feel your dog's stomach throughout the next few hours.  If it starts to bloat, gets hard, expands even a fraction, rush, and I mean RUSH your dog to emergency without fail as this is a life threatening condition with a very short window of time.

I wish you the best regards,
Shelley Davis