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Puppy Conditioner

19 13:59:51

Hi Wendy!

How are you? I really appreciate your time in answering my question.
First of all I will tell you we just got a maltese/yorkie who is 10 weeks old and weighs 1 1/2 pounds. I have been combing her everyday, but I need help w/ the matting. I have to brush her for 45 min. every day. Too long for me and her.
I am looking for a good shampoo/conditioner to help me w/ the tangles. Please help me, their are so many out there and I want a good one for my small baby!

Thanks Bunches!   Gail

Well, Maltese is the #1 matting dog there is!  Most any conditioner will work fine. I would invest in a detangling spray.  I dont really have a favorite and some work better on different coats then others. You will have to experment. Also, start your brushing session with a slicker brush...(the teeth look like staples). Once you have gone through the coat with that, then move on to a metal comb.  As she grows, you may have to keep her coat shorter to keep up with the is a tough job.